
Cooking Lobster - Simply Boiled with Butter

With lobster being so expensive, you want to make sure that you are cooking lobster the best way. I think that the simplest and best way for cooking lobster is simply to boil it and serve it with drawn butter.

My family has a Christmas Eve tradition where we serve lobster tails, crab cakes, homemade french fries, and steak. I look forward to the boiled lobster the most. While this recipe is not fancy, I think that lobster does not need a fancy recipe. The taste of the meat stands on its own and that is what you and your guests really want to experience.

Without further adieu, here is my recipe for cooking lobster:

  1. Find a large pot that can hold boiling water and all of your lobsters.

  2. Fill the pot half way with water.

  3. Add 3 tablespoons of salt to the water.

  4. With the salt water created, bring the water to a rolling boil.

  5. When the water is boiling, it is time to add the lobsters. If you are using live lobsters, I recommend placing them head first into the water (more humane).

  6. After placing the lobsters into the water, you will lose the boil. Bring the water back to a rolling boil and then turn down the heat to medium.

  7. Cook the lobsters for 12 to 18 minutes. You can tell that the lobsters are fully cooked by looking at the tail meat. The tail meat should be firm and opaque. Also, the shells should be bright red.

  8. When the lobsters are fully cooked, drain them thoroughly. In order to fully drain the lobsters, you should split the tail to drain the water trapped in this area.

Now it is time to eat!! I recommend serving the lobster with drawn butter and lemon wedges.

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