
Soul Food Recipes - 3 Embarrassing Cooking Mistakes and How to Fix Them

Soul food recipes can help make your life easier in the kitchen. They help you avoid the trial and error frustrations our great-grandmother's had to go through. She often test dishes for months or years to get a it right. Because of today's recipes we can take advantage of others work and effort and enjoy the tasty results and time-saving benefits.

But regardless of the obvious benefits, cooking mistakes can still happen when attempting to follow a recipe you can't wait to try. I receive many letters from readers confused as to why a certain recipe didn't turn out right. On closer examination it's normally one of the 3mistakes I'll list in this article. In fact, if you make sure to avoid making these 3 mistakes your recipe will have a 75% chance of turning out right.

However, if you make one of these mistakes your dish will have a 75% chance of turning out wrong. Either, bland, tasteless, dry, or generally inedible.

1. Missing the Action Words. Many times people go over the ingredients they'll need for the recipe with a fine tooth comb. But they'll often miss one or more of the action words or verbs in the menu. For example, chop, dice, mince, fold, simmer, etc. They'll rapidly boil instead of simmer or they'll dice instead of mince. They'll often miss a little detail that could change the integrity, taste and overall result of they dish.

2. Not Fully Understanding Cooking Terms. You can trace many mistakes back to this one basic mistake. Not knowing what a specific action term means. If a recipe requires you to broil and you thought it said boil. Or you stir when the recipe said to whip, especially if your making a topping, your result will be less than satisfactory. A good tip is to simply keep a dictionary close by , if in doubt about a term look it up. Better to take 2 minutes to look up a term you're not sure about than waste time making a bad recipe mistake.

3. Not Checking Your Temperature This is a biggie although it may see obvious at first glance. A large percentage of recipe mistakes happen because of temperature problems. One point to keep in mind is realizing many ovens heat differently because of calibration, altitude and other factors. So, after you've made sure you've set the temperature correctly, make sure you check the food often.

As you follow these simple but important solutions you'll start to get more soul food recipe confidence - and experience more mistake-free recipe success.

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