
The Guidelines For Marinating Fish, Steak and Poultry

There are many possibilities when it comes to marinating your own food and creating your own marinade. I like the cheapest, easiest way to clean up after I am done marinating. I like to buy a lot of large sized plastic bags which have a zipper on them.

You want to put the piece of meat in the bag and make sure that the marinate is completely touching the food in every direction. Throw it in the fridge and keep it cool, so the meat doesn't go bad.

How much marinate should you use? Well, a thumbs rule is to use 1 single cup of marinate per 1lb of food. But if you use a little bit more, it will not necessarily be worse. Try to get a relative amount though so you don't over-do it and waste ingredients that yield no difference.

Depending on the type of food and the marinade you use, it needs to stay for various amounts of time. To be safe, most marinates require at least 3 to 8 hours, although there may be quicker working ones out there sold at grocery stores. In fact, unless it is a sensitive type of sea food, marinating meats over night will not do any harm. In fact, they will be quite well. It is also important that you flip the bag several times to make sure all the sides of the meat are getting the juices on them.

Fish and Chicken usually can be done for as little as half an hour with quite successful results. If you are cooking beef steak or lamb, you should let it settle for a few hours.

And a tip for your own safety, do not marinate any food outside of the fridge for more than 2 hours as the bacteria can ruin it.

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